Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 29, 2019,      Rhodes, Greece,    138/183

Due to its strategic location, Rhodes has been the target of conquering nations for thousands of years, consequently it holds the world record of 17 diminutions.  Construction on the  original fort  initially began about 4,000 BC with many additions being made over the years.  In 305 BC, the residents repelled an attack by Macedonia, which motivated statue builders to develop the Statue of Rhodes, using the metal instruments of war left from the battle.  The Colossus was destroyed 66 years later by a massive earth quake.  By the way, a technical school in Rhodes developed the best metal statue builders in the world.  Over 3,000 statues were stolen by the western powers and Catholic Church around the time of Christ and are on display in these locals.

Byzantine empire controlled the fort after the 7th century, until being defeated by the Knights of St John in 1309. Subsequent to this, the Knights continued reinforcing the Fort for decades until they were defeated by 100,000 Ottoman troops, assisted by a powerful earthquake.  The Sultan allowed the Knights to depart on January 1, 1523 with about 5,000 supporters, to settle in Malta.

About 4,000 residents work and live in the old town today, in well preserved buildings.  This fort is the best preserved on in Europe.

As an Engineer, I am stunned by the scope and majesty of these structures.  How would the builders have been able to design and build such magnificent structures with the tools available during that period?  Despite centuries of wear and tear, there is little sign of significant deterioration

Apostle St. Paul came to Lindos in 58 AD.

We toured Old Town in the AM, per Merrilynne's prompting, and took an excursion to Lindos in the PM. 

Many attractive hotels line the beaches as this area bathes in a sub-tropical climate, the best in Greece.  Numerous outdoor restaurants line some streets.  Merrilynne and find this area appealing and will likely spend more time here.

Port of Rhodes

Various photos of the Old Town

Stunning brick and block work

Narrow streets service many areas.

Rental facility inside the wall.

Old bikes are retired, not recycled

Excursion to Lindos

TOWN OF LINDOS dominated by the remains of the Acropolis

Image of a ship carved in the wall during 200 BC

The movie 'Guns of Navarone' was filmed here, using this cave.

Remains of the Acropolis

View from the Acropolis

Note the sea shells in the column, which prove they are authentic.

View from the Acropolis

On the drive to our ship

In the city of Lindos

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