Wednesday, February 27, 2019

February 27, 2019,  Sea Day   47/183

Roger gave a lecture on Gettysburg:  yes a Scottish Professor cruising along the East cost of New Zealand gave an excellent accounting of the greatest battle of the American civil war.  I will not attempt to encapsulate any part of his presentation on this epic historical confrontation, as I  would do it no justice.  I have attached several photos which do convey a sense of the impact of this momentous event.

On the lighter side, Roger offered an explanation of the derivation of the word "Politics".

poli -  Greek or Latin for many....
tics  -  Blood sucking insects...

Our evening was capped off by classical pianist Krzysztof Malek!

Spent day cruising to Wellington along the East coast of the North Island

Famous quotes

Lunch with David and Liliane Cooke

1 comment:

  1. Wish our paths would cross along the way, I'll be in NZ starting on April 11th. Wishing you safe and wonderful adventures my Friends.


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